It is quintessence to develop the feeling of the Lord’s presence, that He is seeing me and my all acts are watchable by Him. By developing this sense a man can attain a level that can’t he imagine, the purity and the perfection of becoming the Mard e Kamil the perfect man. Because after this, the Lord’s presence in heart compels the man himself to avoid all the Haram and such things that can verily destroy his relation with his Creator. Developing God’s presence in heart means that he is always vigilant that God is seeing me and I should God refrain from such things that can destroy my purity. By this the prophet saaw said that the prayer is the one which is offered with the feeling of the Lord’s presence. If the prayer is offered with in the righteous way then the other thing comes that namaaz the rightly offered namaaz protects a man from the evil and corrupt things. And then the perennial purity is obtained after reaching the level of this purity with the small and an essential step a man can develop the Divine love of God. Refraining from the evildoeing indulging himself in the love of his creator. The love of God removes everything from the man’s heart excluding the love for Divine. And at this point the man reaches
This was in my notes from the last year so thought to make it the first one of my medium story