Power of Positivity
After confronting some of setbacks I started my term with a new hope of getting what I lost, of not giving up. Utterly relying on the maxim, ' when you don’t give up, your problems do ' I started the new term. But, I needed one thing to get what I wanted and that was positivity.
In a battle where I had nothing to loose I adopted positivity. Thinking about positive scenarios in my mind and not going for any negative thoughts. Continuously, fighting with my thoughts.
Everytime I imagined something it was positive, though my will to fight and stand was shattered but I kept on thinking positive, filling my brain with positive thoughts and scenarios, mediating with a positive rumination. All I can do was to think positive and by the time the moment arrived when I got that spark and will to endeavor again.
The point what I want to say from my personal acquaintance is that if a person fills himself with positive thoughts and don’t fall for negative thoughts, he can do wonders. Positive thoughts keep a person motivated and determined.
The question here is how one can bring positive thoughts in one’s mind, start imagining and creating fake scenarios in your mind revolving around the accomplishment of your dreams, make positive calculations and above all does not depreciate oneself. Always boost your self, because at the end it’s always you and your thoughts that are left.
So at the end start thinking positive, fill your mind with positive thoughts and wait for the results to happen.